Healthy Habits Contribute to Success in School

Hi, my name is Wyatt Morris, and I am a junior at Vanoss High School. Today I am discussing Elevate Student Health, one of the two YAHL campaigns.

My fellow YAHL Leadership Team member, Maddie Law, and I spoke with our school board to discuss our wellness policy and how we can make improvements to become comprehensive, improving our students' mental and physical health. The Elevate Student Health policy model highlights access to clean drinking water, healthy and nutritious foods and increased physical activity throughout the day. 

Why should we care about comprehensive school wellness policies? Well, if a school has a comprehensive policy, students will feel and be healthier because they will have access to all of the things they need to be successful in school: water, nutritious foods and physical activity. Studies have shown people who are healthy have higher and faster cognitive brain function. Elevate Student Health promotes and helps students to become healthier and the best they can be through improving school wellness policies to make them comprehensive.

By: Wyatt Morris, Vanoss High School

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Supported by YAHL, a program of TSET.
Funded in whole or in part by the Oklahoma Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (TSET)

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